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Software Testing Research

Software Testing Research

The Software Testing Research team is dedicated to exploring the challenges present in software testing and providing solutions by developing tools and innovative methods. Our main objective is to make testing easier by designing new techniques and tools.

Research Directions

Automated Test Generation

Metamorphic Testing

Bug Detection and Crash Reproduction

Validation of AI-Generated Code


Pouria Derakhshanfar
Team Lead
Stephan Lukasczyk
Arkadii Sapozhnikov
Software Developer
Vladislav Artiukhov
Software Developer
Iurii Zaitsev
Software Developer
Sergey Datskiv
Saga Rut Sunnevudóttir
Milan de Koning
Victor Santelé
Danylo Biliaiev

Academic Collaborations



Intellij IDEA plugin for generating unit tests

TestSpark natively integrates different AI-based test generation tools and techniques in the IDE.

TestSpark currently supports two test generation strategies:

  • LLM-based test generation (using OpenAI, Hugging Face, Google, and JetBrains internal AI Assistant platform)
  • Local search-based test generation (using EvoSuite and Kex)

Contact us

If you are interested in collaborating with us or have any questions about our tools, projects, or publications, write to us at

You can check our current research directions to learn about potential collaboration topics. If you have an idea outside the scope of our current directions, feel free to share it with us.