Intelligent Collaboration Tools Lab

OSS Collaboration Graph

The collaborative structure of open-source software development communities is often difficult to analyze, partly due to the large scale of data involved. However, having graph representation of data with calculated collaboration metrics can make this task significantly easier.

The goal of this project is to perform a computationally expensive transformation of World Of Code data, which contains commit activity data for millions of OSS projects, to a graph database format. We constructed collaboration networks for 10 programming languages’ ecosystems, capturing the evolution of these ecosystems over time. Additionally, for each time slice we calculated multiple collaboration metrics, which can serve as characteristics of the ecosystems’ states. The resulting dataset of constructed graphs and metric values is publicly available, and we hope it will spur further research into large scale OSS analysis and social networks.


Sergey Agroskin
Vladimir Kovalenko
Sergey Titov
Elena Lyulina