miniKanren workshop@ICFP
miniKanren workshop@ICFPext
Página do projeto:
46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2019). Lisboa, Portugal
LPAR, Série EPiC sobre Computação. EasyChair
20º Congresso da Open Innovations Association (FRUCT) — 2017 IEEE
SPbSPU Journal. Computer Science. Telecommunication and Control Systems, no. 1(236), 84–107
Programming and Computer Software, 42 (4), pp. 216-224
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (incluindo as subséries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence e Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol. 9609, pp. 170–185
Anais do Congresso Internacional da IASTED de Computadores e Tecnologias Avançadas em Educação, CATE 2012, pp. 112–118
KMIS 2011 — Anais do Congresso Internacional de Gerenciamento do Conhecimento e Compartilhamento de Informações, pp. 294–301
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (incluindo as subséries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence e Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4980 LNCS, pp. 158–170
Programming and Computer Software 37 (6), pp. 315-321
KMIS 2009 — Anais do 1º Congresso Internacional de Gerenciamento do Conhecimento e Compartilhamento de Informações, pp. 200–205
Communications in Computer and Information Science 17 CCIS, pp. 478-489
Programming and Computer Software 34 (4), pp. 216-224
Anais da Oficina ISoLA do IEEE/NASA sobre o Impulsionamento de Aplicações de Métodos Formais, Verificação e Validação — 2005. Loyola College Graduate Center Columbia, Maryland, USA, P. 31-41
Fonte do Documento: Programming and Computer Software 29(6):323–7
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (incluindo as subséries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence e Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2244 LNCS, pp. 324–327
Programming and Computer Software 25 (5), pp. 276-281