IDE Research Integration
Grant Program

We are introducing a grant program to foster the integration of cutting-edge research into JetBrains IDEs.

Receive USD 5,000 and put your research into practice!

Application deadline: July 3, 2024

General Information

At JetBrains, we are devoted to bringing the latest ideas and technologies to developers worldwide. We know that many innovations are born in academia and that researchers seek practical applications for their projects and an audience to test them. So, let’s collaborate!

The IDE Research Integration Grant Program is aimed at computer science researchers who have already completed research projects they would like to deploy in practice by creating a plugin for an IntelliJ-based IDE.

You can apply for the program until July 3, 2024. Selected participants will receive a USD 5,000 grant to support the development of the plugin.

We do not claim any intellectual property rights or trademarks from the authors we support. We believe that contributors should retain ownership of their work.


To qualify for the grant, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your research project should be published in a scientific journal, the proceedings of an academic conference, or made available on arXiv.
  • The plugin you create must be available under a permissive open-source license, such as Apache 2.0 or MIT. This will ensure that the project remains accessible to all and contributes positively to the community.
  • The development of the plugin must not be carried out by a commercial, for-profit company that is not a research institute or a university.
  • The plugin should be developed within one year.


Submissions will be evaluated by a committee based on multiple criteria, including the potential impact on IDE users and the supporting technology ecosystem, the maturity of the supporting technology, and the previous track record of research and engineering projects.


For additional questions, contact us at .