Debugging Rust Code in CLion

No more guessing about run-time problems or debugging from the command line!

Find and fix issues in your Rust project with ease

GDB and LLDB support

Whichever debugger you need for your project, CLion has you covered. You can easily switch between GDB and LLDB.

Rust formatters

Explore any data structure in depth. Bundled GDB/LLDB renderers build tree views for Rust types, including structs, vectors, and various standard library types.

WSL debug

CLion’s WSL toolchain brings full debugging functionality to your Rust WSL projects so you don’t have to leave the IDE to debug under WSL.

Inline variable view

Track how variables change right in the IDE. Editor hints enable you to see the contents of complicated variables and add inline watches for child items.

Memory and disassembly

Investigate issues faster with a memory view that’s updated on the go and a disassembly view equipped with breakpoints and stepping.

Discover the differences between debugging Rust in CLion and other JetBrains IDEs

Debugging for Rust is available in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PyCharm Professional, and GoLand


Other JetBrains IDEs

Out-of-the-box experience

To start debugging in other IDEs, you have to install the Native Debugging plugin and download the debugger binary.

GDB support

Including GNU targets on Windows.

LLDB support

Debug in WSL

Although WSL support is available in all IDEs, debugging only works in CLion.

Attach to process

Debug core dumps

Enjoy seamless debugging with our tools!


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IntelliJ Rust

An open-source Rust plugin compatible with all IntelliJ-based IDEs

Download IntelliJ Rust