JetBrains GameDev
Day 2023

A full day dedicated to game development, covering Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot.

October 13, 2023


    Game DevOps: Elevating Your Unity and Unreal Build Pipelines With TeamCity

    In this session, we’ll take a look at how to configure typical Unity and Unreal Engine build pipelines, including executing tests, building games for various platforms, and deploying to staging environments.

    Insights on Testing Unreal Engine Support in Tools With Many Dependencies

    This presentation will reveal some insights on the structure of JetBrains Rider in the context of Unreal Engine support and its internal and external dependencies, including other tools by JetBrains, Microsoft, Apple, and Unreal Engine itself.

    Scalable and Cloud-Native Mobile Game CI/CD Environment Using Unity

    This session provides an easy-to-follow introduction to creating a scalable and cloud-native mobile game CI/CD environment using CircleCI, GameCI, and Unity.

    How To Stop Writing View-Classes for Unity UI

    In this talk, we’ll discuss the primary methods of organizing layouts in uGUI and consider the state-based UI development in Unity. We'll touch on the issues of reducing the amount of view code, generating APIs, and producing documentation for prefabs.

    Empowering Non-Developers: Creating Editor Tools and Workflow Customizations in Unity

    Join Ants for a hands-on presentation where we’ll dive into editor tool development in Unity. In this session, we’ll explore the power of extending the Unity Editor to create custom tools, automate repetitive tasks, and optimize your game development workflow.

    Top 10 Unity Assets That Every Project Should Use

    The talk discusses the top 10 assets and third-party game development kits, describing their advantages and disadvantages.

    godot-playfab – A Godot Extension To Easily Integrate PlayFab, a Cloud-Based Backend as a Service

    In this session, we’ll show you how to leverage godot-playfab, the Godot/GSDScript SDK Johannes maintains, so you can make the most of it in your Godot game!

    How to Apply the Software Engineering Process to the Gamedev Process

    This session will show game developers how to set up a game dev pipeline using Perforce, Unreal Engine, and Jetbrains tools such as Rider and TeamCity to create, build, and release a video game.

    Introduction to Data-Oriented Design in Unity

    This talk will give an introduction to developing games and applications using Unity's Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS). We’ll also showcase some of the primary use cases for developing with a data-oriented approach and the benefits it will bring to these applications.

    How Sprocket Games Achieved 10x Playtest Velocity for an Unreal Engine Game With Kotlin DSL, BuildGraph, and AWS

    In this talk, we’ll present and review the solution developed by Sprocket Games to build a modern multiplatform Unreal project in AWS, leveraging Epic’s BuildGraph system and TeamCity’s Kotlin DSL.

    Getting Started Developing for Apple Vision Pro with Unity

    Learn about Unity’s support for Apple Vision Pro. How to leverage existing tools, packages, and features to start building today. The session will cover PolySpatial, the new Unity technology used for building shared and mixed-reality applications for Apple Vision Pro.

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